Regarding Creation of Supernumerary Posts of Clerks in Order to Draw Pay Excess Clerks Recruited Against Advt. No. 05/2019

Haryana has issued clarification regarding the creation of supernumerary posts of clerks in order to draw pay excess clerks recruited against Advt no. 05/2019. As per instructions, various Departments/Boards/Corporations are seeking clarification(s) regarding the requirement of creation of supernumerary posts since the revision of the result of Advt. No. 05/2019, where-by newly recommended candidates and ousted candidates with status quo order / interim relief are working against the same post leading to excess number of Clerks against the sanctioned posts.
The State Government has considered the matter and decided that proposals for creation of supernumerary posts shall not be considered, except on a temporary basis for candidates with a Status Quo order / Interim Relief order, specifically in their favour (by name). Such temporary creation of supernumerary posts shall be done
temporarily only till vacation of the Stay order / modification of Interim Relief Orders, and
only to draw the salary. No other benefits shall accrue to the ousted candidates working on interim relief from Court. The concerned Administrative Departrment shall take concurrence of Finance Department before such temporary creation.
The Government, vide separate instructions no. 42/63/2023-5HR-II dated 23.08.2023 has instructed the Haryana Staff Selection Commission decide the claims of ousted candidates in the revised result, and relieve them within 7 days, if the Commission concludes that their candidature cannot be considered, and there is no Status Quo order / Interim Relief order in their favour.

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