Haryana Staff Selection Commission has issued a public notice regarding CET Exam for Group-C posts.According to the notice, it is informed to all candidates that the closing date for submission of online applications is 05.05.2023 at 11.59 PM on designated portal i.e.. https://onetimeregn.haryana.gov.in or www.hssc.gov.in. The candidates who have not submitted their application form on designated portal till date may do so prior to closing date to avoid last minute rush. If any candidate has any problem for filling their application form, he/she may contact Help Desk No. 18005728997 (10) AM to 4 PM) Monday to Saturday or Email helpdeskhsscgroupc2023@gmail.com. Thereafter the link will be disabled. All candidates are advised to upload all the requisite documents at appropriate places provided for the same. If a candidate files claim but does not upload the necessary documents his/her claim shall not be considered and Id:
candidate shall be responsible for the same and no correspondence in this regard for accepting document hereafter shall be entertained.
(A) Relaxation from filling family income and status of Government Job in their family from concerned authorities from competent authorities.
Notes:- 1. It is informed that to avoid delay in filling application, all candidates who intend to now fill the application form need not get verified their claim regarding family income and status of Government Job in their family from concerned authorities and such candidates can submit /upload their self-attested undertaking on Annexure- V(Copy enclosed) of Advt. 3/2023. The annual family income shall be considered for the Financial Year 2022-23 & the status of the Job shall be considered up to 05.05.2023.
This relaxation from the provision of verification of “No family member in Government Job Status” and “Family income status” from the concerned authorities is granted for the applicant’s convenience only. However, if at any stage during or after process of Advt. No. 3/2023 and subsequent recruitment it is found that self-undertaking to the above points of family income and Government Job status in family are wrong then the candidature of such candidate will be cancelled and recommendation, if made shall be withdrawn and if appointed then his/her Services shall be terminated on the ground of submission of wrong undertaking. This will be even if without these marks such candidate is still in merit of the selected candidates. Undertaking in other form/manner shall not be accepted.
Candidate must produce “No Job certificate (Annexure-V)” attested by Executive Magistrate/Tehsildar at the time of Scrutiny of document(s).
(B) Guidelines regarding experience certificate
- In case of category no. 41 as per service rules, the experience only of Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) in prescribed performa shall be considered. Applicant of this category should please note.
- For essential qualifications, the experience certificate performa attached at Annexure IV in Advt. No. 3/2023 is common for all candidates i.e. Private Organization/Other State Government/Central Government employee. 3. Applicants who are Haryana Government employees may give experience certificate issued from their respective departments which will be considered for essential qualifications as well as for socio-economic marks as per rules. 4. Such applicants who are having expe rience in Private Organization /Other State Government/Central Government employee as well as Haryana Government they are required to give certificates in separate performas as mentioned above.