Haryana Government has issued the latest instructions regarding the employees who were recruited through Outsourcing Policy Part-ll.This policy was revived for those employees who had been appointed under Outsourcing Policy Part-ll against sanction posts and were in service as on 28.09.2021 and they were allowed to continue till regular appointments are made against these posts or till 31.12 2022, whichever is earlier. Now, the matter has been re-considered and following decisions have been taken by the Government:-
(I) The employees engaged under Outsourcing Policy, Part-II and working on Group C and Group D posts may be offered the option of being ported to HKRN. A time of 3 months is given to exercise the option
(II) The extension in the engagement of employees appointed under Outsourcing Policy, Part-II is given for a period of one year for those who do not accept the option of being ported to HKRN or who are working on Group A or Group B posts or under any law enacted by the State.
It is further clarified that services of employees mentioned at (ii) above, appointed under Outsourcing Policy, Part-Il will be the first to be terminated in case regular appointment is made on such posts.